Make-Up Exams
If you have a disability that may cause unexpected flare-ups and prevent you from taking an exam at the scheduled time, you may be approved for an accommodation to take a make-up exam.
- This accommodation is not meant to allow unlimited make-up exams and should not be used more than once or twice per semester.
- It is intended to support you if you experience sudden and acute disability symptoms that prevent you from taking an exam at the scheduled time. It is not meant to provide extra time to prepare for an exam nor to help with non-disability scheduling conflicts.
- If your course has a policy that redistributes grading or allows dropped grades instead of make-up exams, that policy does not override your right to this accommodation. This accommodation is to allow you an equal opportunity to demonstrate and be assessed on your learning on the exam materials.
- The ability to make-up a final exam may not always be possible. Connect with us and your instructor to explore options if this occurs.
Using the Accommodation
You should share your Accommodation Letter with your instructors at the start of the semester (or as soon as you are approved for the accommodation). Instructors are not required to accommodate exam absences from before the date on your letter.
Before using this accommodation, you will need to discuss with your instructor how it will be applied in the course. They should explain how make-up exams will be arranged, or if there would be alternate ways for you to demonstrate and be assessed for your learning. If you or your instructor need help figuring out how to implement this accommodation, contact Student Disability Services (SDS) as soon as possible.
You are responsible for notifying your instructor as soon as you know you may miss an exam. Unless other arrangements are agreed upon by you and your instructor, make-up exams should be scheduled to be taken within seven days of the original exam date.
If you are in an ATP-participating class, you should still speak with your instructor. After doing so, you will need to schedule this make-up exam in SDS Online Services based on your instructor’s guidance (if being proctored by ATP). Do this as soon as possible. Make-up exams proctored by ATP only happen at 8am and 5pm.
If you or your instructor have concerns about an exam absence affecting your course progress, or whether this accommodation is reasonable for your class, contact SDS for support.