Exam Accommodations
These accommodations apply to exams tied to your classes. If you are seeking accommodations as part of your degree program (e.g., A, B, or Q exams), please connect with us. We are happy to discuss those with you.
Using Exam Accommodations
You are responsible for informing your instructors about your need for exam accommodations. We encourage you to send your Accommodation Letter to your instructors within the first two weeks of the semester (or as early as possible) so that they have adequate time to work with you to make arrangements. Cornell does not have a testing center, so exam accommodations are handled by your professor and/or their course staff (or may be handled by SDS staff/proctors if your class is participating in the testing pilot, ATP).
Arrangements for exams may differ for each class. You are responsible for understanding the procedures within each class and communicating with your professor if you have questions or concerns.
Extra Time for Exams
If you will be receiving extra time for exams, your professor or course staff will let you know where and when to report for your exam. The responsibility is on you to make sure you know the exam arrangements that have been put in place. As you will be receiving extra time for exams, you exam will start earlier or will go later than scheduled.
Reduced-Distraction Environment
If you have been approved to take your exams in a reduced-distraction environment, your instructor will inform you about the time and location of the exam. You are responsible for following up with them if you have questions or have not heard from them about the time or place.
The term “reduced-distraction environment” refers to the provision of a testing environment that would be less distracting than the main exam room. This does not mean a private room. There may be other students requiring accommodations taking exams in the same room. Contact your instructor and/or SDS if you have questions or concerns about the location of your exam.
Laptops for Exams
If you have been approved to use a computer during exams, you will be able to use your own personal laptop or tablet computer as long as it is feasible. If you or your course staff need to borrow one for this purpose, you can borrow a laptop from SDS for the exam. Reservations need to be made at least five business days in advance and must be submitted for each exam where one is needed.
Conflicts with Exams
Review your course syllabi early in the semester to determine if you might have any potential conflicts with your exams. You are responsible for providing notice to your instructor as soon as possible of any potential exam conflicts.
Your use of testing accommodations must not interfere with attending classes. Your instructors are responsible for arranging an alternate time for you to take your exam using extended-time accommodations if your class schedule conflicts with the time the exam will be administered. If you experience any difficulty making exam arrangements with your instructor, please contact us right away.