Deadline Extensions

About the Accommodation 

This accommodation is approved when your disability has an impact on your ability to complete assignments on time.   

  • Extensions are to be used only when you are having more severe disability symptoms impacting your ability to complete an assignment where without the symptoms, you would have completed it on time. 
  • The accommodation should not be used for circumstances unrelated to your disability.    
  • This accommodation is not meant to apply to all assignments in a class. 
  • Extensions may not be reasonable for all types of assignments (see below). 

Topics for Faculty and Students to Discuss Together 

You are expected to communicate with each instructor to discuss how this accommodation will be applied to the class prior to starting to use the accommodation. This conversation can be in person, over zoom, or via email (see below for sample email templates).

The following topics should be addressed in that conversation: 

  • What is a reasonable length of time for an extension in this class? What is unreasonable?  
  • What assignments or activities are not eligible for an extension (e.g., in class activities, group projects, etc.)?  
  • How should I communicate when a deadline extension is needed (e.g., email, canvas message, etc.)? 
  • Will I need to send a draft to show that I have made sufficient progress on the assignment? 
  • What are the consequences if I do not meet the extended deadline?  

Write down this information and make sure both you and your instructor each have a copy. (Instructors: we recommend using email to document this information with your students.) 

Follow Up/Next Steps 

  • Unless there are extenuating circumstances, notify the instructor that you require an extension before an assignment is due. 
  • Depending on course expectations, requirements, format and structure, this accommodation may be implemented differently in each of your classes. 
  • Please remember, this accommodation is not active until your instructors receive an Accommodation Letter from SDS with the accommodation listed on it. Instructors are not required to provide extensions on assignments due before the date on the letter. 

Starting the Conversation: Email Templates 

Sample Email to Set Up Meeting

Dear Professor ________, 

You should have recently received an email from SDS containing an accommodation letter for me for your __________ class. I am approved by SDS for: Deadline Extensions. I would like to discuss with you privately how this accommodation can be implemented in your class. What is a good day and time for us to meet? I am free ____________ (name some blocks of time you are free). I would prefer to meet __________ (over zoom/in person).  

Thank you. 

(Your name) 

Sample Email to Start Discussion

Dear Professor _________, 

You likely just received an email from SDS containing an accommodation letter for me for your __________ class. I am approved by SDS for: Deadline Extensions. I would prefer to converse over email about how the accommodation will be used in your class. Are you able to provide the details specific to this course in writing? I would like to confirm the following items: 

  1. What is a reasonable length of time for an extension in this class?  
  2. What assignments or activities are not eligible for an extension (e.g., in class activities, group projects, etc.)?  
  3. How should I communicate when a deadline extension is needed (e.g., email, canvas message, etc.)?  
  4. Will I need to send a draft to show that I have made sufficient progress on the assignment?  
  5. What are the consequences if I do not meet the extended deadline?   

Thank you. 

(Your name)