
Cornell University is committed to inclusiveness within its academic programs.  Students with documented disabilities may be eligible to receive access academic accommodations. 

Academic Accommodation Plans

Student Disability Services (SDS) will determine your approved academic accommodations based on:

  • your disability documentation
  • your academic history
  • and the information that you provide to our office as a student with a disability. 

To learn more, please review the steps to register with SDS.

Accommodation plans are tailored to the individual. The goal of the plan is to eliminate the barriers caused by the disability in order to afford you equal access and opportunity in academic programs and services. 

Examples of frequently used accommodations include: 

  • exam modifications (e.g., extended time, reduced-distraction location, use of a computer)
  • assistive technology
  • removal of physical barriers
  • print material in alternative formats (Braille, e-text, enlarged print)

Once approved for academic accommodations, their use requires your involvement each semester. 

Using Academic Accommodations

The procedure for using most academic accommodations, such as extended time for test-taking, requires: 

We recommend requesting your letter(s) within the first two weeks of the course. If you have a question about timely notice for any course, speak with your instructor.

Other Academic Aids or Services

In order for SDS to prepare or facilitate access needs, such as: 

  • the use of a computer for test-taking
  • sign language interpreting services
  • notetaking
  • accessible course materials
  • or assistive aids

you must complete the appropriate SDS forms. Each of these accommodations require advance notice to SDS in order to be available when you need them.  

Law Students

Please Note: The disability accommodation process for Law School students differs. More information is available in the Law School Student Handbook.