Studying Spaces and Other Spaces on Campus

Accessible Study Room

Location: Mann Library

Reserve the accessible study room.

The creation of this space was a joint project between Student Disability Services and Mann Library.

This is a fully enclosed private room on the bottom floor of Mann Library (accessible by elevator). It is in a quiet, calm section of the building. It can be reserved for any time Mann Library is open. Staff at the circulation desk will provide you with a key to the room for your reservation. You are welcome to use it by yourself or with others. It can comfortably fit 2-3 people.

It has many different accessibility features and ways to control your sensory experience. These include:

  • Height-adjustable desk
  • Different seating options
  • Whiteboard that can be used from a seated position
  • Different lighting options
  • White noise machine
  • E-ink computer monitor (plug in your own device)
  • Fidget devices
  • Yoga mat
  • Blinds to “close off” the room from view of others

This space is also home to a collection of graphic novels, graphic memoirs, manga, and comic books, all related to disability, that can be borrowed through Mann Library.  

Other Campus Spaces

Sensory Room

The Learning Strategies Center (LSC) has a sensory room open for any student to visit when the LSC is open.  

Library Spaces

Cornell libraries have a range of different spaces (e.g., collaborative spaces, quiet spaces, personal spaces, and even a serenity room). Some spaces can be reserved in advance, while others are open to anyone while the library is open.  

Residential Spaces

Don’t forget to check out your residence hall and the nearby Community Centers. They have spaces for studying, as well as places to take study breaks (such as the Esports Gaming Lounge).  

The Tatkon Center for New Students (located on North Campus) also has welcoming spaces for student use.  

Student Unions

Willard Straight Hall is the Student Union, located right on the central part of campus. It has a range of spaces for use (a mix of reservable group spaces and open spaces where individuals can study or meet).

The Big Red Barn is the Graduate and Professional Student Center. It is a beautifully restored carriage house located in the heart of campus (near Rockefeller Hall). Though events there are geared towards graduate and professional students, the building is open to all students.  

The Centers for Student Equity, Empowerment, and Belonging

These groups provide identity-based programs, resources, and community spaces. You can visit The Centers for Student Equity, Empowerment, and Belonging in their different locations on campus (626 Thurston Ave, Anabel Taylor Hall, and Willard Straight Hall).  

Music Practice  

Lincoln Hall has practice rooms available on a reservation-only basis (including rooms with pianos).  

Interview Rooms

The Career Services Network at Cornell has rooms for interviews available throughout campus.

Other Campus Buildings

Many of the academic buildings on campus have spaces where students can study or meet. Examples are the study pods in Gates Hall and the lounges in MVR.  

Explore the buildings your classes are in, and other spaces! There is a lot to discover.

Outdoor Spaces

We are fortunate to have many beautiful natural areas on campus. Check out NatureRx to learn about the health benefits of being outdoors and interesting places to explore in and around campus!