SDS Workshops
Prior Sessions
Students: How to Talk to Faculty about Accommodations
Recorded: Wednesday, January 18th, 2023
Need an icebreaker for talking with your professors? Want to learn some strategies on discussing accommodations in your classes? This session focuses on communicating with faculty and course staff about using accommodations, including:
- Strategies for communicating accommodation needs to your professors
- Best practice for managing your accommodations
- Student rights and responsibilities when implementing accommodations
Recording of session: How to Talk to Faculty about Accommodations.

Faculty/Staff: How to Talk Students About Accommodations
Recorded: Thursday, January 26th, 2023
Do you have a role in implementing student accommodations? Are you unfamiliar or uncomfortable talking to students about accommodations?
Learn how providing access to your course can create excellence in education. This program will cover why we use accommodations, communicating with students about their specific classroom needs, and modeling inclusive approaches to conversations.
Recording of session: Communicating with Students About Implementing Accommodations

Faculty/Staff: Implementing Course Policy Modifications
Recorded: Wednesday, February 1st, 2023
Do you have any students approved for "Attendance Policy Modifications" or "Deadline Extensions" for your class? Do you want to know more about how to implement these course policy modification accommodations? Learn about the tools and resources available to you in your role.
Recording of session: Implementing Course Policy Modifications

Looking for More?
Watch this page for updates.
If you interested in a workshop or information session not listed, please complete the program request form (be sure to specify "SDS" on the form). We are happy to discuss your group’s workshop needs and how SDS can assist with a future session.