Requesting Additional Accommodations

If you have already registered with Student Disability Services,

  • but want to request additional accommodations or services
  • want to submit additional documentation, or
  • need records or verification of accommodations

For additional housing requests:

For all other requests, follow these steps:

  1. Log in to SDS Online Services
  2. Click on "Additional Request or Documentation" (located in the left sidebar menu)
  3. Click on the "Start New Application" button to go to the request form
  4. Enter information as appropriate on the form
  5. We will follow up with you at your Cornell email address regarding your request or submitted information

If you get a message saying "profile not found," or another error, it means you may have recently started the registration process with us already or that you had temporary accommodations in the past that have ended and you are no longer active in our system. You can either contact us at for guidance, or can start a new Disability Self-Disclosure Form.