How are Disability Accommodations Determined?

This is an overview of how our team makes decisions about disability accommodations. 

Overview of Process

  • Step 1: Initial Assessment/Review  
    First, we will determine if you are a current (or future) student with disabilit(ies). This includes relying on the existing legal frameworks that exist around what disability is (see: What is a disability?). 
    • If you are not, then our office would not be the right office to assist you. We will do our best to let you know about other resources.  
  • Step 2: Impact Analysis  
    We use the information you submitted to understand specific symptoms, conditions, and effects of the disability; factors like duration, frequency, and severity; and what triggers or exacerbates these symptoms and how they're managed. This helps us understand any potential impacts here at Cornell.  
  • Step 3: Environment/Barrier Analysis  
    Using the information you shared, we assess not only physical spaces but also the academic environment and the broader context of Cornell to identify barriers that may need to be addressed in order to ensure non-discriminatory lack of access.  
    • If there is not a disability-related barrier in the Cornell learning or living environment, or its policies or practices, then accommodations would not be appropriate. Having a disability does not automatically warrant accommodations.   
  • Step 4: Accommodation Exploration  
    We systematically explore reasonable accommodations to address identified barriers. This process involves a thorough review by our disability professionals, and we may consult with campus partners for additional information about programs and services. We may also have follow-up discussions with you, or request additional information.
    • Accommodations are approved only when the information you share supports that a modification to our environments is necessary to provide you with equal access to our programs and opportunities.
    • More information on reasonable accommodations can be found in our “What is an accommodation?” section.

Things to Know

  • You can submit your request from our "Get Started" page to initiate this process.
  • Your request for disability accommodation(s) will be reviewed by a team in our office. We carefully consider all of the disability information and documentation you submit to us. 
  • You are the best source of information about your disability experience. Although not required, we will also review any supplemental information you submit from third-party sources. You can learn more in our Documentation Guidelines about the types of information and disability documentation that is most helpful to us.  
  • This process is personalized and interactive. We may request additional information and documentation to gain a clearer understanding of your needs and the obstacles you may face at Cornell.
  • We encourage you to submit all your information and documentation up front when you make your request. This can save time going back and forth with asks for additional information.  
  • Accommodations cannot be arranged retroactively. We encourage you to reach out prior to when accommodations are needed.